Running a Narnia Trail

“Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What’s to be Said” by C.S. Lewis During lockdown I decided I wanted to do something with our community and for our community. Over the space of 18 months we ran many events that brought families together. I organised this all through a simple Facebook page called Bitterne Park FamilyContinue reading “Running a Narnia Trail”

Sharing the Incarnation with your community

We’ve got two girls and have spent more hours in soft plays than I wish to admit. I have never warmed to these places and am grateful that adults aren’t allowed to play and join in. Apart from the inevitable, MUMMMMMM I’M STUCK. At which point I put down my coffee and book and putContinue reading “Sharing the Incarnation with your community”

Find #Christmas this December

2020 has been a hard year, but I believe there is hope and no better time to discover that then now. Together with friends, I’m creating a map of #christmas2020 activity trails across the UK. This article explains a little bit about why this matters. “If there was ever a year that needed Christmas, thisContinue reading “Find #Christmas this December”

Running a Nativity trail

This blog was written a year ago. The trail went really well, many families got involved in the planning and hundreds of kids learnt about the nativity. Read more below and get in touch if you have any questions… There are so many limitations at the moment, Christmas markets, Ice rinks and Santa Grottos areContinue reading “Running a Nativity trail”