Sharing the Incarnation with your community

We’ve got two girls and have spent more hours in soft plays than I wish to admit. I have never warmed to these places and am grateful that adults aren’t allowed to play and join in. Apart from the inevitable, MUMMMMMM I’M STUCK. At which point I put down my coffee and book and putContinue reading “Sharing the Incarnation with your community”

Building community in the playground

Back to school Weeks and weeks of preparation and finally you’re ready. The school uniform is on, photos are taken and nerves are calmed. Before you know you’re walking a route that will become like second nature. Soon you’ll know to the minute when you have to leave and who you’ll see on this dailyContinue reading “Building community in the playground”

Houses of light – offering our lives and the gospel in a pandemic

Back in September I was feeling frustrated. I prayed that despite being in lockdown, God would give me opportunities to share my life and the gospel. I heard him say clearly to me “Nay where do you think you shouldn’t be?”. I knew the answer was Halloween, our area loves it and each year hundredsContinue reading “Houses of light – offering our lives and the gospel in a pandemic”

Why the Rule of six could help your friendships

We’d been round at a friends house for food and a catch up. Most weeks after the school pick up, we get invited and simply turn up. There’s usually between six and eight of us, from two families. There’s always great food and lots of fun, to be honest its just really easy company. ThisContinue reading “Why the Rule of six could help your friendships”

The Art of gathering online

How we gather matters. How we gather online matters even more. You may not have noticed the importance of venues, but each venue comes with a script. Think about these venues: the lawcourt, a beach and a night club. What words come to your mind? What do these venues make you think about? The lawContinue reading “The Art of gathering online”