Motivation for the term ahead for the weary gospel worker part 2

This is part 2 of a series of blogs written by Sarah Dawkins, the first one is here. In part one we reflected on 6 months of lockdown. I wonder how that made you feel. Maybe just a little helpless? That’s how I feel at the start of a new academic year. I write fromContinue reading “Motivation for the term ahead for the weary gospel worker part 2”

Motivation for the term ahead for the weary gospel worker

After a summer of recovery and recuperation I was hoping I’d feel better for the start of term. The start has been slow, with many ups and downs and I’ve come to realise that among many things my surge capacity is depleted. I found this article by Tara Haelle incredibly helpful in helping me understandContinue reading “Motivation for the term ahead for the weary gospel worker”

Lessons for Lockdown from Cross-Cultural work

This guest blog post is from Eddie Arthur In the late 1980s, Sue and I, with our two small boys, found ourselves living in the village of Gouabafla deep in the West African rainforest. We were there to help the local church translate the New Testament into the Kouya language, but before we could thinkContinue reading “Lessons for Lockdown from Cross-Cultural work”

Marriage in Lockdown

This guest post is by Paul Allcock As we approach our golden wedding in a few months time you could be tempted to think that we have learned everything there is to know about one another. Di and I continue to enjoy and thank God for the adventure of married life and for His faithfulnessContinue reading “Marriage in Lockdown”

Community in a Crisis survey

Online Church experience Survey in English. Community in a Crisis is an initiative that has been set up as a response to the pandemic. We’re passionate about relational church online. We’ve been helping churches get set up online through events, blog posts and training videos. We would like to find out what the experience ofContinue reading “Community in a Crisis survey”

Let us sing

This Guest blog is from Jonty Allcock from The Globe Church One of the biggest disappointments of online church has been the singing. I hear people say this all the time. We miss being able to sing together. We miss the wonderful encouragement it is to join with others and lift our voices in worship.Continue reading “Let us sing”

A meal with Jesus

This guest blog post comes from Dave Bish and the team at Beeston Free Church When we moved to our church about four years ago my wife and I wanted to attend home group together, and we wanted our kids involved. So we started a new group, at 6pm. A simple but chaotic formula –Continue reading “A meal with Jesus”

Zoom Prayer meeting

Prayer is trending on Google, it seems that in a Crisis the British public are turning to prayer. Some fantastic initiatives have been set up to help remind us to pray. As a church we’re using Unite 714 from Pete Greig. Every day at 7.14am and pm we’re reminded to pray alongside millions others. ItsContinue reading “Zoom Prayer meeting”

Reach Puppets in lockdown

  Puppets… aren’t they just for kids? That’s a question that we’ve heard so many times! But we’re convinced that although they may often be aimed at children, the big kids (a.k.a. the adults) love and learn from them too!  Many different ideas will come into your head when you hear of puppets, whether that’sContinue reading “Reach Puppets in lockdown”

Learning from the experts in the new normal

Can you think of a situation where you’ve tried to learn something new without taking the advice of experts? This is me all over. My lack of patience plays out in many ways. One of these is an unwillingness to read instructions. This has resulted in many failed attempts at new recipes and DIY projects.Continue reading “Learning from the experts in the new normal”