Community in a Crisis survey

Online Church experience Survey in English. Community in a Crisis is an initiative that has been set up as a response to the pandemic. We’re passionate about relational church online. We’ve been helping churches get set up online through events, blog posts and training videos. We would like to find out what the experience ofContinue reading “Community in a Crisis survey”

5 Reasons Why We May Struggle To Exit Lockdown and How The Church Can Respond

This guest blog is from John Greenall Whilst many seem to think lockdown is over, many others are still at home not venturing out. Fear is palpable. On my neighbourhood WhatsApp group Jim at Number 28 shares a post saying that ambulances are scarce, and children are dying in large numbers. Am I the onlyContinue reading “5 Reasons Why We May Struggle To Exit Lockdown and How The Church Can Respond”

Zoom Prayer meeting

Prayer is trending on Google, it seems that in a Crisis the British public are turning to prayer. Some fantastic initiatives have been set up to help remind us to pray. As a church we’re using Unite 714 from Pete Greig. Every day at 7.14am and pm we’re reminded to pray alongside millions others. ItsContinue reading “Zoom Prayer meeting”

Learning from the experts in the new normal

Can you think of a situation where you’ve tried to learn something new without taking the advice of experts? This is me all over. My lack of patience plays out in many ways. One of these is an unwillingness to read instructions. This has resulted in many failed attempts at new recipes and DIY projects.Continue reading “Learning from the experts in the new normal”

Some thoughts on bereavement

Our guest blog in this series on death and grief in COVID19 is from John Symons How do we cope with death, with losing a loved one? I want to share some thoughts on this, and my thoughts will be influenced by the fact that I have lived in Africa (mostly Zambia) for 24 yearsContinue reading “Some thoughts on bereavement”

Online church and disability

Our guest blog post come from Kay Morgan-Gurr A friend of mine, Bex Lewis, tells me that to most people today there is no difference between the realities of the online and offline worlds. Each is as real as the other. It’s taken a pandemic for the church world to catch up with this, andContinue reading “Online church and disability”

From the Classroom to the Computer: Engaging an Audience in a Preoccupied Climate

This guest blog post comes Bekah Wilson Lockdown has been extended for three more weeks. That is at least three more weeks of empty church buildings, online services and isolated congregations. In this time of uncertainty, anxiety and alarm, my mind spends a lot of its time preoccupied. I think of figures, the weekly shop,Continue reading “From the Classroom to the Computer: Engaging an Audience in a Preoccupied Climate”